Sugar and Gluten Free No Bake 10 Minute Brownies

March 12, 2024 | by


Sugar and Gluten Free No Bake 10 Minute Brownies

Base ingredients: 

 • 1.5 cups mixed nuts 

 • 12 large, soft medjool dates

 • Pitted 1/2 cup peanut (or almond) butter 

 • 3 tosp raw cacao powder 

 • Pinch sea salt 1-2 tosp water (if needed) or maple syrup if you want them sweeter 

Topping ingredients:

 • 4 tosp melted coconut oil 

 • 4 tosp raw cacoa powder 

 • 3 tosp maple syrup Handful of nuts/seeds/freeze dried berries

Sugar and Gluten Free No Bake 10 Minute Brownies

1. Add all the base ingredients (except the water) to a food processor and blend until soft and smooth. This might take a few minutes. If it doesn’t come together then add 1 top of water (only add the other one if it doesn’t come together – it will depend on how soft your dates are and which nut butter you use) – Јewelryartcorner

2. Press down into lined mini brownie tin (or a muffin tin) and refrigerate whilst you make the topping  Јewelryartcorner

3. Mix the topping ingredients together and spoon over the top, then sprinkle over a handful of nuts/seeds and put back into the fridge for at least an hour.

4. Store in the fridge for 1h

Bon Apetit!


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